Sunday, June 1, 2008

My project&DW, 29th May

we were given some lessons on DreamWeaver(DW) and how to make a links, layout to make it look impressive etc etc and we continued working on our individual projects from the scratch but this was able enough after some detailed lessons and practices from Ruud I tell you its learning new things every day!! Ruud was really a help as more light was put into my project-thanks Ruud.
Lets give a little insight of our welfare-where to eat atleast we are conversant as you can see we were able to go shopping-cooked stuffs that evening at GB since there are no meals at Justuslipsius until 9th of June, with hospital issues none of us is aware of this matter hope we will all finish up safe as we came but what if anything happens especially during the weekend whom shall we seek assistance and we also hope one of these remaing days our hosts will organize a visit e.g. museums, zoo, outskirts etc or something of a sort just to see a bit of Belgium not just studying-sorry guys I was just thingking outloud!!!

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